Sunday, May 28, 2017

#moving house #top11 things to check as your other half approaches #ordination

ht microsoft clipart for the photo
If your other half will soon be ordained as a Rev then you might well have to move home.  Even if you don't various things are inevitably going to change in your shared lives.  

Here are some thoughts from my experiences so far.

1) Existing (soon to be old) church duties -  at least a month or so before you move try to make sure you're taken off any duties/rotas so you get some breathing space before the move.  This also allows those who've taken over what you were doing to ask questions whilst you're still around.

2) Diocese or National Church Grants and Loans - these may be available for things like the Rev's books, their new wardrobe, extra computer equipment or even an extra car.

3) Moving Quotes - get these from whoever the Diocese approved moving firms are (the Diocese usually decides who gets the moving job).

4) Post Forwarding Service - decide whether/when you need to set this up (or start making a note of all the organisations you need to update with your new address).

5) Car Insurers - let them know when changes to your address happen and your other half's occupation change - otherwise your insurance may not be valid once you've moved and her occupation becomes a Rev and she uses the car in that role.

6) Renting out your old house (if you have one) - decide whether/which letting agency you'll use, arrange for: the necessary landlord gas (and maybe electrical) safety certificates; 4 sets of keys; reading of meters (the letting agency may do this); landlord building and contents insurance; decorating/repairing all those small niggles you've put up with - but which will be a cause of cost to you and complaints from your tenants.

7) Leaving party before the ordination - if you are having one agree who is organising it and send out the invites.

8) How much furniture and stuff you'll need to give away or put into storage - if the accommodation you are moving to is smaller than what you've currently got then its a good opportunity to de-clutter and give some away.  Otherwise work out what you'll need to put into storage before the move (if there isn't a garage at the new place).

9) Seeing each others online diaries - looking forward it will be useful to see what is in your partners diary so you can arrange time together and know when you're both in for meals. If you can use an internet enabled diary like google calendar then so much the better. Getting used to this as a way of working before you move may help you get used to it and iron out any kinks.

10) Have a discussion on some practicalities - like .....Should your answer-phone message give the Rev's mobile for emergencies? If the Rev is at home should they normally answer the phone? (as the bulk of calls will probably be for them).  Are there certain times - like mealtimes - when you agree to let the phone go to answer-phone?

11) Nominating your previous (but still owned) home as your main residence - If your partner and you will reside in living accommodation which is related to your partners job... then notify the tax authorities that you are nominating your old house as your main residence (this gives you Capital Gains Tax Relief).  You may wish to ask them to confirm they agree this nomination is valid and not time limited as your partner is required to reside in accommodation associated with their vocation.  

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