If you Rev wife preaches at several churches you may often find yourself attending your local church whilst she plays away somewhere else.
And that means that you'll often get to see her colleagues lead a service and/or preach a sermon.
Which is where things can start to get tricky.
You see its terribly difficult not to compare how your Rev wife's colleagues preside and preach with how your wife does.
To take your mind off such comparisons - during the sermon in particular - I humbly submit to you a form of church sermon bingo. In this you're listening for certain key phrases or themes.
When you hear a phrase /theme from my "Sermon Bingo Phrase/Theme List" below then award the preacher a point. You will have to use your judgement as to whether the phrase/theme is near enough to warrant the award of a point - but I encourage you to exercise flexibility on this.
Using this simple scoring system you can - over time - rate various preachers in terms of how many of the sermon bingo phrases they utter in one sermon or over a month of sermons.
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