Sunday, November 19, 2017

What to do after #church

During  her curacy we are fortunate that my wife tends to take or lead services mostly at one of the areas churches.  And if possible I go along to theses services.  

Of course she leaves home earlier than me as its always busy with people coming up to catch her.  This tends to be people involved in the service, in some way - sidespeople, readers, those saying the prayers and other Revs - or other officials in the church.  And often she will need to position her various visual or physical aids she is using to help illustrate her sermon or talk.

In many ways this is little different from what it was like before she was a Rev, largely because she and I were quite active in our previous church.  

What is different is the amount of her time that is taken up after the church service. Loads of people seem to want to have a word - about something coming up in the next week or just wanting to catch up with her.  And equally there are often several people she needs to talk to.  

Unless she is going on to do something else after church I like to wait for her so we can walk home together.  As one of the Revs she is often one of the last to leave the building.  Which means as the other half I end up hanging around at the very end.   

As company I have church wardens and sidespeople and coffee rota people - most busy clearing up or getting ready for the next service.  And nice as they all are there is only so much light conversation you can have with them, especially if they are busy doing things.

I could just shoot off home after the service but the walk home with the other half is a good chance for a bit of a chat which I'd rather not miss.    So  I wait till the missus is ready to go.  I help those clearing up or stacking chairs.  And I wait.

So my top tip is to take a kindle or book with you to church - so if you have time to kill you can at least read that. 

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