Sunday, June 4, 2017

how much do you get involved in the church(es) your wife is the curate at

We've been in our current parish for well over a decade.  When we moved into the village it was tempting to commute to a bigger more lively church.

But rather than do that we decided to go to the local village church.

Over time we've made many friends in the church and village as our two daughters grew up.  

And over that time we've tried to be more than consumers at the village church.

The list of roles we've helped with over those 10+ years is quite large and includes youth work, Sunday School, PCC, bible study groups, leading services, playing in the worship band, being a churchwarden, being a sidesperson, doing prayers and readings, helping with the maintenance work around the churchyard and church building, helping various projects to improve the buildings.

As my wife moves towards ordination I'm now thinking through which, if any roles it would be appropriate for me to volunteer for when she becomes a vicar at a church (or more likely now-a-days vicar for several churches).

Chatting with friends about this some have said there should be no limit to what roles I could do.

What my gut tells me is to do some things - like readings and prayers in church - but to keep away from any more formal roles.  I guess in part it will come down to what help is needed in the parishes we move to and what level of my involvement my wife is comfortable with.

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