Sunday, April 29, 2018

wedding couple chats

One of the many things vicars often do is to have a chat with a wedding couple a while before the actual service.  

For the popular summertime weddings those chats tend to happen around now.

Some churches also put on a wedding preparation day at which they might run a  couple of relationship discussions/activities, do a fake and truncated wedding service, confirm of adminisrtative stuff and so on.

At the church my wife is a curate at they do all of the above.  

She's had quite a few couples come round for a chat - mostly at weekends - and I've made tea/coffee sometimes.  Of course I can't hear the detail of what they are discussing - just the general rumble of conversation and laughter as a background noise in the house.

But with that background noise from their conversation - and the amount of time they take for the chat - you can usually tell if they're a chatty or reticent couple and whether it took shorter or longer than usual.

Sometimes the couple can look a bit anxious when they turn up.  I imagine some couples think they're going to be given the 9 degrees on their faith and relationship - which is not something my wife would ever do!

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