I started this blog to share my experiences of being a Revs husband.
I decided to do that because when I started as a RH I couldn't find much help or insight on the internet.
For the last year or so I've blogged every week on a variety of subjects.
(as indicated by the thematic index below which has links to the various posts).
(as indicated by the thematic index below which has links to the various posts).
Over that time I think I've covered many of the main themes a vicar's spouse might wish to find some advice on.
So I know think its time to switch to posting as and when I come across experiences and situations I think would be of use for other husbands of Revs. If you have any request for subjects to cover let me know via comments on this post.
So I know think its time to switch to posting as and when I come across experiences and situations I think would be of use for other husbands of Revs. If you have any request for subjects to cover let me know via comments on this post.
CHURCH - after church, going to church together, how much do you get involved, remembering names, sermon bingo, parish weekend away 10 tips, what you don't know,
FAMILY & HOUSE - christmas, christmas lunch, somebody else's decoration, answering the door, answering the phone, cooking & housework, easter, losing your lounge, only 3 years, maintenance, telling the family we're moving, moving top 11 tips, the study/greeting room, tied housing,
MONEY - charitable giving, what the church pay for,
REVS HUSBAND - advice in books, advice any suggestions? advice to your wife - best given when asked for, your calling, talking about christian things with the wife, feedback to your wife, your own friends, gender stereotypes, your spiritual health, ideas to your wife, not having your own space,
TIME OFF - post christmas break, weekday evenings, the day off, weekends, old & new friends,
TRANSPORT - 2 cars,
UNRELATED - Comms & digital media - 10 lessons from 7 years, Easter & Lent: various clips, Walking in Nepal 1, 2, 3, Pentecost: various clips,
YOUR WIFE - colds in December, craft materials, daily office, their ordination, their shoes, wedding couple chats,
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